The piano!

Two piano tributes down and i find myself here.. writing…!

Mind you its two and a half past mid night!!

The usual hassle of the day floats behind me… had internals… funny thing that is…

I knew just so much, that i could make it past the half way mark and then went on to complete the whole thing!

I have the usual crazy session up in my head! End up just saying I don’t knw!!!

I seem to have caught this notion..

Hope is for sissies!!!

So is it!!!?   I’m myself too screwed up to debate this one out! gimme ur thoughts!

We can break down each and every conversation and “human” moment by bringing to surface the real calculations that go into it!

there is this new world view coming up!!

and then there is the college canteen! the mess is the choice! i just can’t make my mind uP!!!

been having stupid trouble with choice! is it the kadai roll or rava idly!

the service n hygiene is brilliant at the this bakery/ cake place but its too hot!!

its the other way around at darshini!

Being stubborn is something i’m born with!

lets see!! i do need to eat! i end up with something neither here nor there!

coming back.. Hope.. Strong word!

But is it a ray of chance that ur wants may be granted or just a illusion created to soothe the failing heart!!

depends on what u’d choose…

the truth or a lie!

like a delusional  man said once !! Everyone lies! Everyone!

This means on one wants to truth voluntarily!!  Ok now dont go and put me down under the cuckoo section yet!!!

I’m still sane just sleepy!

Alright u reader! i am sure i didnt shake u up! so get up! do a few shakes and gimme HOPE!!!!!!!!

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